Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We visited the historic town of DeFuniak Springs, Florida. All the historic homes you see face a natural perfectly round lake. It was a very cute little town with lots of fun history.
The Hotel Defuniak.....we ate lunch at a little restaurant inside here called Bogey's. It still functions as a hotel.

My dad said he learned to drive in a car just like this one.........wow he's old!

The Little Big Store.....just like the old-fashion general store. They had everything you could imagine from "way-back-when".....lye soap, parafin lips, clove gum, horehound candy....the list goes on!

The Magnolia Tree, such a stately tree with such beautiful blooms.

A cute little Methodist Church and a huge magnolia tree to the right.

Is this not the coolest thing? A fountain out front of your home. Next pic is of the saying that's above the fountain. Awesome.....

This is a beauty!

Saved my favorite for last........I just love this house!!

1 comment:

Carla said...

OMG!! Beth I would LOVE that little town!!! And your sunset pics are awesome! sounds like you had a wonderful time!! BTW, did you bring any wax lips home with you?!!LOL