Here's Alvin, our little ground squirrel (chipmunk) we have. He loves hanging out under the bird feeder for little seeds that drop from above! His favorite thing, though, is digging in my flower pots! As you can see, our ground feeder is in a little bit of disrepair. It's been through alot over the years. I think it's time for a new one.

We have lots of squirrels in our backyard including many new babies. We enjoy watching their antics, running, doing somersaults, chasing each other up and down and around the trees....always amusing to watch. Yesterday I treated them to cut-up apples with peanut butter and pecan pieces. They were in "squirrel heaven" to say the least. This picture below is a little fuzzy, but just look at that expression on his face. It's priceless! They were definetly happy campers!

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