Thursday, November 1, 2007

Check out the first Monroe County Medical Building pumpkin decorating contest. All of us could make a pumpkin and have our patients vote on their favorite. There were many 'll see the winner at the end. I was going to make one, but time got away. I had a great idea, but maybe I'll save that for the second annual M.C.M.B. pumpkin contest. Thanks everyone for taking part and congratulations to the winner!!

Frankenstein is the first "contestent"! He was brought to life by Stephanie. See the little bolts on the side of him? It's not easy being green!!

#2, decorated by Marge and Kathy. The nose is a ping pong ball painted red, and the pumpkin was spraypainted red. How devilish!!

Almost forgot to put in #6, by Becky. She is being very patriotic and she did this freehand. Wow, love her talent.

#3 created by JoAnn and Karen in Radiology. Scary! The hat is made out of leftover film.

And here is #4, Robyn's pumpkin's, how cute is this? She came in 2nd place with 30 votes!

And the winner is, #5, Teri's pumpkin. She won at 50 votes, 20 more than any other pumpkin. Isn't this one so creative? She put alot of work into it, congratulations, Teri.

1 comment:

Kentucky Great said...

Hmmmmm! And the x-ray's are being done by....................

The pumpkins, maybe!!!! Tee-hee!
What a fun thing to do....they are all so cute!