1. The first Thanksgiving celebration was in 1621.2. The first turkey was domesticated in Mexico & Central America.3. A female turkey is called a hen.4. A male turkey is called a tom.5. Benjamin Franklin lobbied to make the turkey the national symbol.6. The sound a female turkey makes is cluck.7. The sound the male turkey makes is gobble.8. A mature turkey has about 3,500 feathers.9. Minnesota produces the most turkeys annually.10. Wild turkeys can run up to 25 mph.11. The Wampanoag Tribe was the Native American Indian tribe that celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the colonists.12. Wild turkeys can fly up to 55mph.13. Approximately 90% of all American homes eat turkey on Thanksgiving.14. Approximately 50% eat turkey on Christmas.15. The skin that hangs from the turkeys neck is called the wattle.16. Abraham Lincoln specified that Thanksgiving would land on the last Thursday of November.17. Israel consumes the most turkey per year per capita.18. The best way to defrost a turkey is in the regrigerator."Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action." --W.J.Cameron
Thanksgiving day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow. --Edward Sandford MartinRecipe to share: Cranberry Jello Salad1-6 oz. pkg. raspberry jello2 cups boiling water1-16 oz can whole cranberry sauce1-20 oz can crushed pineapple, in juice1-15 oz can mandarin oranges, drained1/2 cup chopped walnuts, optionalBoil water in saucepan. In 9 x 13 glass dish, mix boiling water and jello. Stir until dissolved. Break up cranberry sauce and add to gelatin mixture. Stir until cranberry sauce is dissolved. Add pineapple with juice and drained oranges. Stir. Stir in nuts if desired and refrigerate until firm. Very yummy!
Misplaced a Halloween page....just found it! This beauty was done by Pat Blackwood-Condra. Love the vintage girls, the orange german scrap, the moon, etc.....just awesome!
Remember....happiness is a way of travel... .....not a destination.
Veteran's Day TributeWhen America had an urgent needThese Brave ones raised a hand;No hesitation held them back;They were proud to take a stand.They left their friends and family:They gave up normal life;To serve their country and their God,They plowed into the strife.They fought for freedom and for peaceOn strange and foreign shores;Some lost new friends; some lost their livesIn long and brutal wars.Other veterans answered a callTo support the ones who fought;Their country had requirements forThe essential skills they brought.We salute each and everyone of them,The noble and the brave,The ones still with us here today,And those who rest in graves.So here's to our country's heroes;They're a cut above the rest;Let's give the honor that is dueTo our country's very best.By Joanna Fuchs - www.poemsource.com
I could go through this day oblivious to the miracles all around me, or I could tune in and "enjoy." -- Gloria Gaither Each day God's handiwork is evident for all to see and experience. His miracles come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so keep your eyes and your heart open. Be watchful, and you'll soon be amazed.I love fall and all the beautiful colors....and I didn't even have to leave my yard for these wonderful pictures.....enjoy!
Still laughing......someone sent this to me with funnies about "old age" and it so reminded me of myself! Is any one else "feelin' it"? Where did I set down that coffee cup, anyway? If you find it, please send me a note!! LOL
As I head out to meet friends at Archiver's and scrap all evening together.....I'm reminded of how much my friends mean to me. I hope I always show that to them! Love one another earnestly from a pure heart. - 1 Peter 1:22Emily Dickinson spoke for friends everywhere when she wrote, "My friends are my estate." She understood that friends are among our most treasured possessions. But unlike a bank account or a stock certificate, the value of a true friendship is beyond measure.So today celebrate the joys of building and preserving your personal estate of lifelong friends. Give thanks for the laughter, the loyalty, the sharing, and the trust. Remember what it means to aid an ally, to be a backer, or to console a comrade. When you do, you will have increased two personal fortunes at once!I plan on letting each one of them know today how much their friendship means to me!