Tuesday, May 20, 2008

We visited historic Fort Walton, Florida and shopped and looked around their historic district. They didn't have alot, but what we did find was quite fun and interesting. The Buccaner and an American Indian Shop with beautiful things.
I just love these palm trees....they fascinate me. I guess because they are so different than the trees we have around here.

Butch and Barbara.....do they look like tourists?

Well, look who shows up again, Joe Cool! Gotta love 'em! He's standing by a piece of Ft. Walton history.

Butch loved this store. The Buccaner.....been in business for years and full of eclectic things....coke, antiques, racing.....you name it, they had it. Of course, Butch, being a Dale Earnhardt Jr. fan and coca cola fan, had a great time!

Boop Boop B Doop.....fun stuff!

Squawk.....say "goodbye"!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Mom, in one of our favorite stores in Seaside. Fusion art glass gallery. Beautiful, beautiful glass sculptures and such. We've bought some pendants for necklaces here before and purchases a couple of little "baubles" this time also. Quite a bit of "eye candy" in this store! You can check it out at www.fusionartglass.com.
Wow, Joe Cool again! He follows us everywhere!

Dad relaxing in the chair keeping his hands to himself......don't want to knock anything off the wall!

These are my favorite....aren't they gorgeous?

I would like him in my yard, how awsome!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Beach

And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters He called the Seas: and God saw that it was good. Gen. 1:9-10
Here is a dune.....they are beautiful and full of little wildlife of various kinds.

The sign says it well. These dunes are all in restoration after Hurricane Ivan tore them up in 2005. They are a work in progress~

Barbara and Butch take a stroll on the beach. The tide was coming in and we saw alot of interesting things coming up on the beach with the tide.

Ever seen a one-legged sea gull? Well you have now.......! He did great on only one leg.

Just throw out a "cheezit" and see how many sea gulls show up!

Mom and Dad--we've staked our little piece of heaven on the beach!

Mom and her girls~

Guess who! Yes, it's yours truly~

Barbara and Butch enjoying the wonderful sun, sand and surf.

Butch, after laying on the baech totally exposed for three hours.

A great day at the beach was had by all!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Over the next few days or so I will share out vacation to Destin with you. Hope you enjoy!
What can I say......I am absolutely in love with this community. This is Seaside....the heart of Highway 30-A on the Gulf of Mexico. Since it's grand beginning, it has attracted world-wide attention. Time magazine quoted it as "the most astounding design achievements of it's era." It has won many prestigious architectural awards over the years. Conceived, planned and developed by Robert and Daryl Davis, their dream was to create a pedestrian-friendly community of cottages with picket fences and elevated porches to awtch the sun set on the Gulf. That they did............I'm in love!!
Now this is a house........love it! Each house has a name, sits right on the brick street and is painted a wonderful color! The New Urbanism, an architectural movement born with the creation of Seaside has played an important role contributing to today's awareness in the designing and planning of the traditional town. If you are interested in living here the homes run anywhere from 1,500,000.00 to around 4,900,ooo.oo. If you can't afford one, you can come visit me "when" I win the mega million lottery and move there!

The town center was inspired by the squares you'll find in cities like Charleston, Florence, Italy and Savannah. The Central Square is where you'll find shops and restaurants with no building more than 3 or 4 stories tall. Another home in Seaside.

FACT: The Truman Show with Jim Carey was filmed in Seaside. I took this picture of a pic on the wall in the Modica Gourmet Market.

Seaside's "walk-to-anywhere" design works to bring necessary shops and sevices to its residents and guests. Seaside is home to a gourmet food market, multiple art galleries and small boutiques all centered around town square with an outdoor amphitheater.

Joe Cool...uh....I mean, Ken looking handsome as ever!

Dad and Butch are enjoying the shops at Seaside. Along the brick-laid streets you will find rows of homes, a highly praised charter school, a newly designed chapel and a newly opened Medical Arts Building all serving the community.

Mom and dad enjoying the view.

There are some very cute little quaint shops! I loved the display outside of this one.

There is alot of green foliage and flowers in the community, more than you see elsewhere in the area.

Barbara and Butch enjoying the Seaside community.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Just got back in from Destin, Florida yesterday. It is sad to leave and have to come home, but at the same time it's always great to be back home! We had beautiful weather there, sunny and upper eighties. Came home to cool weather and rain.......yuk! Okay, I'm ready to go back now!
Lots of progress in the garden. Things have just been growing by leaps and bounds while we were gone. One thing I really miss from down there are the palm trees, I just love them. They are very intriguing, wish I could have one here.
We just had a great time, swimming in the ocean, walking the beach, shopping, eating, cruising in the evening and seeing the dolphins.....I could go on and on! Will post pics later, have to get organized first. Until then.........