Exciting news...I won a copy of Altered Books 102, Beyond the Basics from Sally Turlington. I commented on her blog about new techniques I would like to try and got picked out of those comments to win! Yipee! Thanks, Sally. Please go over to http://www.artpubstudios.typepad.com/ or http://www.sallyt.typepad.com/ and check out her beautiful work. You will be very inspired after viewing it.
Took down my tree and all the Christmas decorations today. It's later than I usually take it down, but spent much of my time last week painting. So now everything is back in "order". Now for my craft room, quite a mess. Kind of an organized mess, but a mess non-the-less. Have work to do and need some space to do it in! LOL
Thanks for stopping in to look, and please take a look at Sally's sites. You'll be glad you did.