Saturday, August 18, 2007
I added a new quote from Elizabeth Edwards, Jon Edward's wife, that I found very profound on the header of my blog. I found it in a article she did for People magazine on her battle with cancer and it's return. She is a very strong woman with a very supportive husband and a wonderful outlook on life. Please read it; it will inspire you also. Beth
Friday, August 17, 2007
Well, we are back from a week on the road. We started on the road last Thursday, stopping in several antique shops along the way and stayed the first two nights in Pigeon Forge. We did alot of shopping at the outlet malls and went to a show our last night called "Fiddler's Feast". It was a great show and the food was wonderful! Saturday morning we headed into the Appalacian mountains and on to Matthews, N.C. for another part of our journey. We visited Jordan, Danelle and of course, our new granddaughter, Dakota. Jordan and Danelle has settled into a nice apartment and doing a very good job of starting their life together as a family. We took them out to a movie, several dinners and did some shopping. Of course there were a few late card games and dart games enjoyed by everyone. The last leg of our journey was up through Virginia and West Virginia and on into Ohio we went got to spend time with our grandsons, Dalton and Dawson. They are doing just great and I couldn't believe how they've grown, especially Dalton who at twelve is almost as tall as me! David and Ken played golf yesterday and I went shopping! We did too much of that on vacation, but it was fun! During all of our travels we stopped at various antique shops in Tennessee, N.C., West Virgina, Indiana and Illinois. We got in this afternoon after having put close to 2000 miles on the truck. What a the east coast and back again. In a couple of weeks we leave for Branson for a few days......we're such travelers!
Here is a great pic of Ken and our grandsons....we couldn't believe how tall Dalton has gotten and Dawn says Dawson is even taller than Dalton as at that age. They are both wonderful boys and we really enjoyed our time with them. Dawson lost a tooth while we were there, with a little coaxing with a pair of pliers; yes pliers! He was a brave boy!! He just wanted that tooth out at all costs. Of course, two dollars under the pillow in the morning was quite the incentive, also.
Well, here she is.....the little cutie pie! Couldn't wait to get my hands on her and once I did, I didn't put her down! She is so hugable, loveable, cuddly....I could go on forever! We had a wonderful time visiting with mom and dad also, but forgot to get pictures of them with Dakota....what was I thinking? They have a cute apartment in a nice apartment complex and are moving right along with changes in their lives. Jordan's last official military day was today, so he's now out of the army and back into civilian life. Matthews, North Carolina is a beautiful place, right outside of Charlotte. They'll do great there, just when do I get to go back?????

Saturday, August 4, 2007
Well, here she finally is....the new granddaughter, Dakota Ann. She was born on July 16th and we get to finally see her in person and hold her a week from today. We will be heading out to North Carolina where she lives. We'll be heading down through Pigeon Forge and spending two nights then on to N.C. to see Dakota, and the rest of the family! Then we'll move onward through West Virginia into Ohio and stop in Dayton to visit another son and daughter-in-law and grandsons there. So we'll be "touring" the nation! All-in-all, Ken and I enjoy the trip as much as the visit most times. You never know what antique shop or such you'll see along the way to stop and check out. But I sure can't wait to get that baby in my arms!!!!!
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