Last weekend we stayed the night with my "most wonderful" sister and her boyfriend and ended up staying up until 2pm in the morning playing spades. Now I can tell you that that's the latest I've been up in ages! But we had a great time, even if us girls didn't win. We'll get 'em next time. Here's Barbara with Eve, her newest addition to the family. She came from the Humane Society, which is a wonderful thing! Don't buy a pet, give a needy pet a home who might not be lucky and find one. There are so many poor animals put to sleep because no one cared to visit the Humane Society before making a decision on a pet. Sometimes you can even find pure breds there, but whether a pet is purebred or "mixed", there love is always unconditional. Okay, okay, I'll get off my soapbox.....for now. Oh, and don't forget to spay or neuter. Back to my sister and Eve. Eve is very full of energy, but she has such a wonderful personality! And she loves to play with the laser pen light!!!

Here is a garden bench that my sister and her boyfriend, Butch, made for me. Isn't it awsome? It looks really nice in the special spot I picked out for it. They are both getting so handy! I love them both dearly, and not because they keep giving me these wonderful handmade gifts, but because without them this world would not be the same, and neither would my life. I've been so blessed!